Data protection and GDPR
Where can I find world4you's privacy policy?
Do I have to adapt my website for GDPR?
Do I need a Data Processing Agreement according to EU GDPR?
Is world4you providing a Data Processing Agreement?
Can I also send an order processing agreement to world4you myself?
Do I have to send my order processing agreement to world4you?
Do I need a order processing agreement for domain registration?
Which changes can I expect in my statistics because of GDPR?
What is personal data?
What personal data is stored?
Which data is being protocolled by the webserver?
Will world4you set cookies on my own website?
How long are web server log files stored?
What does the term "main contract" mean?
Is the connection between PC/Smartphone and my calendar at world4you secure?
How does GDPR affect the Whois data?